Anunț angajare

Spitalul Digenio



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Medical equipment

Medical unit has a latest generation ultrasound . During the year , will purchase a new high performance line of endoscopy and X-ray apparatus , purchases made ​​from European funds in order to perform accurate at time of complex endoscopic gestures that will be performed first in a medical private .
Hygiene , sterilization and disinfection are to the highest standards , featuring an automatic center disinfect endoscopes . In step with the latest developments in the field and provide a full safety interventions will largely use disposable instruments .
Endoscopic interventions such complex gestures or request a simple endoscopy may be performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.
The clinic will have a few beds where patients can be monitored post- procedure.
Starting in 2011 the operation of the center was extended morning . (Prof. dr. Dr. Marcel Tanţău )

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